Have an idea for a business? Don't know what to do next? You can reach out to 28 Carrots and they'll help guide women entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams. Sure hope they expand all over the country. Women thrive on a supportive circle of friends to take on new challenges and adventures. A group of women supporting each other and their entrepreneurial spirit is a great idea. Happy Holidays to all!
In this Business News Daily article, the co-authors of "Out of the Question: How Curious Leaders Win" Guy Parsons and Allan Milham discuss two types of leaders: knowers and learners. Learners are better leaders. Find out why.
Over 650 Muslim women in India received leadership training under a new program. What a great idea! Why aren't we providing more training to minority women? I know we do some, but this program seems to be doing great things in a big way. We should learn from them.
I've been absent lately...where have I been? Selling books! After Black Friday, my husband and I were at the Christiana Mall in DE at the Barnes and Noble. The following weekend, my husband and I were at the Greenbelt Festival of Lights. The weekend after that, my husband and I were at the Alexandria Holiday Market. It's been a busy, exhausting few weeks. Here are some of the pictures! At the Christiana Mall, with Shanta - a former high school classmate of mine. The Greenbelt Festival of Lights. The Alexandria Holiday Market.
My thoughts:I write about power dynamics in relationships, the empowerment of women, and the ethical and moral dilemmas love can create in our lives. This is a space where I meditate on those themes and share them with the word. Who knows, my next novel may start right here... Archives
February 2017